
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Evidences to prove that 1-1-1 H was on a Thursday (the next day of Eclipse/Conjunction)

 Evidences to prove that 1-1-1 H was on a Thursday (the next day of Eclipse/Conjunction)

from: Chief Editor, Hijri Committee of India
date:     Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:32 PM
subject:     Evidences to prove that 1-1-1 H was on a Thursday (the next day of Eclipse/Conjunction)

Dear Br. Khalid Shaukat

Assalaamu Alaikkum Wa Rahmathullaahi wa Barakaathu hu

In your last mail, you have asked how Umar (RA) knew about the solar eclipse as it was not seen 
in Arabia. We are happy that you have accepted that the Eclipse was there on Wednesday and 
it goes without saying that eclipse occurs on the the Day of Conjunction (to put it in simple language) 
and that it is the last day of the month.

They (RA) were true followers of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) who lived
100% as per Quran and observed the moon-phases which Quran 2:189 says are the dates
and who found-out "Urj Oonil Qadeem" which Quran 36:39 says as the last visible phase of the 
moon and who easily identified the day of conjunction (the last day of the month).

They (RA) were not like majority of present-day Muslims who look at moon only on  
3 or 4 times a year.  They (RA) were also not like majority of present-day Muslims who missed 
the first fast of Ramdhaan nor they (RA) ever fasted on the Eid Day like majority of present-day 

Just imagine without computers or calculators how much difficult it would be for us to findout 
on which week-day was the date - 1st of Muharram 1417 H. ( We challenge anyone to findout correctly
without using computer or calculators, on which week-day was 1-1-1417 H with the dates of 
conjunction in each month.  Then tell us who is "illiterate")  

Umar (RA) and the Companions (RA) were competent enough to pin-point the 1st of Muharram 
of 1 Hijri year to Thursday. They (RA) did it by back-tracking the dates of more than 200 months.  
It shows how much they (RA) were well-versed with recording accurately the start and end of each month 
for nearly 17 years.  Allaahu Akbar !! Almighty Allah  bestowed them with immense knowledge on the subject. 
Masha Allah !!

Now a days many Muslims, by not studying the hadeeth properly, are branding them (RA) 
as illiterate and as the ones who do not know calculation  !!! What a pity !!!   

You have also asked, " where Al Biruni has recorded the 1-1-1 H as Thursday".

We are giving below the relevant parts from "Islam - An Historical Introduction" 
Edited by Gerhard Endress (translated by Carole Hillenbrand) where he has quoted  
from Al Biruni's  book " Al Aathaar al Baaqiya". 

You can also see the relevant portion of English translation of  "Al Aathaar al Baaqiya" (translated
by C. E. Sachau, London at the end of this mail along with Eclipse data. 


Following data hereunder proves that 1st Muharram was started on the following day of "CONJUNCTION/NEW MOON/ECLIPSE". 

1-1-1H  = 15 JULY 622 THURSDAY, (following day of conjunction).

ISLAM - An Historical Introduction, 2 Edited, GERHARD ENDRESS translated by CAROLE HILLENBRAND
ISBN 0 7486 1620 9 (paperback)

Appendix - 3. The Islamic calendar

Now the most authentic date, which involved no obscurities nor
possible mishaps, seemed to be the date of the Hijra of the Prophet, viz. of his arrival
at MadÈna on Monday, the 8th of the month RabÈÆ I [20th September 622], whilst the
beginning of the year was a Thursday (1st Mu˙arram = 15th July 622]. Now he
adopted this epoch, and fixed thereby the dates in all his affairs. This happened in the
year 17 after the Hijra. (Al-BÈrËnÈ [973–c. 1050]: al-åthÅr al-bÅqiya [‘The Chronology
of Ancient Nations], edited by C. Edward Sachau, Leipzig 1878, pp. 29–30, transl. by
C. E. Sachau, London 1879, pp. 33–4.)

                Data on Eclipse of  14 th July  622


Excerpts from English Translation of  "Al Aathaar al Baaqiya"
Inline image 1



We are sure all are now convinced that 1-1-1 H was 
on a Thursday.

Umer (RA) who  formulated the the Hijri Calendar himself  started the Muharram of 1H on the  
following day on which  Conjunction/Eclipse took place.  Then, how can one start the new 
Hijri month after seeing the hilaal on the west sky, now??

Every one will agree that  Umar (RA) and the Sahaba (RA) present at that time
 would never go against the instructions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam)
who taught them about Sharia. 
This itself proves that the starting of new month after seeing the hilaal is a Bid'ah !! 
Prophet (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) never practiced it nor the Sahaba (RA). 


Why Br. Mohamed Ilyas, Br. Omar Afzal, Br. Mohamed Odeh, Br Sultan Alam, you,
to name a few, and the rest propagating this Bid'ah and helping Iblees in his 
devious attempt ??

PLEASE STOP PROPAGATING THIS BID'AH.  Enough is enough. May Almighty Allah 
forgive  sins, errors and faults of all of us. Aameen
Repeating the same mistake again and again is a heinous sin.  ITHAQULLAH !!

It was during the period of Ottoman 1-1-1 H was changed from Thursday to Friday. Why??
Who manipulated this important data of  Islamic history? For What purpose?

We are of the opinion that those who inserted the Jewish tradition of starting 
the month after seeing the hilaal did this manipulation. By this 
deceitful adulteration they wanted to justify and make millions adopt 
a Jewish tradition as Islamic  and thereby mislead  millions of Muslims 
for generations and generations.

Iblees has indeed succeeded in his attempt and has successfully misled and still misleading
Muslims, by making possible a twist of just one day.  We seek refuge in Almighty Allah 
from the cunning Iblees.

In the name of Almighty Allah, we request all who read this mail to make use of what 
all resources they have to warn innocent Muslims about this trap of Iblees and to 
make them adopt the correct calendar which has dates tallying with the moon-phases 
as directed in Quran 2:189.

In order to have a calendar, directed in Quran 2:189,  we must consider 
as the last day of the month, the Universal Day in which the  Conjunction/Eclipse
 takes place, just like Umar (RA), and have to start the new month on the following
day, at fajr, irrespective of the conjunction time or the sunset-moonset 
difference at Makkah / anyother place.

May Almighty Allah keep all of us in the Right Path. Aameen
May Almighty Allah forgive all our sins, errors and faults and may He, the
Almighty provide all of us with a  place in Jannathul Firdouse.  Aameen

Wa Salaam

S. N. Mohamed Sultan
(Chief Editor)

7/858 B, AWH Building

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