Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ocean Tides and Moon phases. Another way of knowing moon dates ???

Ocean Tides and Moon phases. Another way of knowing moon dates ???

Click on the image for an enlarged view.


Chapter 4
The Power of the Moon
All objects in space have gravity. Gravity is a force that pulls one object toward another. Earth’s gravity keeps people and things from floating into space. You can jump up from the ground. But gravity will always pull you back down. Earth’s gravity pulls on the Moon too. It keeps the Moon from floating away like a balloon.

Bigger objects have more gravity than smaller ones. Earth is bigger than the Moon.
So Earth’s gravity is stronger. But the Moon has gravity too.

The Moon’s gravity pulls on Earth’s waters. It makes the oceans rise and fall each day. This rising and falling is called the tide. The ocean at its highest level is called high tide. The ocean at its lowest level is called low tide.

Earth’s movement helps to cause the tides.  Earth is always rotating.  So different parts of
Earth face the Moon at different times.  High tide happens at the part of our planet that is
turned toward the Moon.  The Moon’s gravity pulls hardest on that part of Earth.  And the waters rise.

The tide goes out when that part of Earth is turning away from the Moon.  Then the oceans sink back down to low tide.  Other forces help create another high tide on the opposite side of Earth from the Moon.

The Moon (Early Bird Astronomy)  by Laura Hamilton Waxman (Author)



The Ides of the Tides - Part 1

Understanding how the Tide Cycles
Follow the Moon

Model Tide Tables

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